Lodhia Industries is one of the leading and fastest growing steel & plastic manufacturers in Tanzania and is currently operating out …
Nafasi Za Kazi Tanzania
TPSF was formally incorporated under the Companies Act (Cap 212) as a company limited by guarantee on 4th November, 1998 for …
Ajira Mpya Tanzania 2023Nafasi Za Kazi Tanzania
ADRA Tanzania Vacancy, September 2023
by adminby adminAdventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA Tanzania) is a faith-based humanitarian nongovernmental organization in Tanzania. ADRA is an Equal Opportunity Employer …
Ajira Mpya Tanzania 2023Nafasi Za Kazi Tanzania
Kilombero Sugar Company Limited Vacancy, September 2023
by adminby adminKilombero Sugar Company Limited (KSCL), the largest producer of sugar in the country operating cohesively with Illovo Distillers Tanzania Limited (IDTL) …
Catholic University College of Mbeya (CUCoM), A Constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) is a private higher learning …
Ajira Mpya Tanzania 2023Nafasi Za Kazi Tanzania
TMHS Tanzania Vacancies, September 2023
by adminby adminTMHS Tanzania is a professional Tanzanian company operated by a team of medical experts with tremendous experience in the healthcare industry. …
NMB Plc is one of the largest commercial banks in Tanzania, providing banking services to individuals, small to medium sized corporate …
Ajira Mpya Tanzania 2023Nafasi Za Kazi Tanzania
MDA’s and LGA’s Vacancies, September 2023
by adminby adminThe MDA’s and LGA’s Public Service (PSRS) is a government organ with a status of independent Department established specifically to facilitate …
Ajira Mpya Tanzania 2023Nafasi Za Kazi Tanzania
Mtibwa Sugar Estate Limited Vacancy, September 2023
by adminby adminMtibwa Sugar Estate Limited. (MSE) is located at 38oE 6oS in Turiani Division, 102 km north of Morogoro town and 290 …
Ajira Mpya Tanzania 2023Jobs in TanzaniaNafasi Za Kazi Tanzania
TARURA Vacancies, September 2023
by adminby adminTanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) is an Executive Agency of the President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, (PO-RALG), established under …