The Foundation for Civil Society (FCS) is an independent Tanzanian Not-For-Profit Development Organization that provides grants and capacity building services to Tanzania based Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). It is currently one of the biggest, and main sources of funding to Tanzanian CSOs – thereby (in) directly enabling CSOs and citizens become key driving forces for positively influencing democratic governance in Tanzania and better quality of life for all. FCS is thus an intermediary support mechanism for CSOs in Tanzania and seeks to enable the latter’s effective engagement in poverty reduction initiatives in ways that are complementary to government and Development Partners (DPs) efforts towards poverty reduction as set out in Tanzania’s main development frameworks: Vision 2025 and the Five Year Development Plan 2016-2020. The Mission is to contribute to sustainable and inclusive development in Tanzania through strengthening capabilities and sharing resources. We do this through strategic partnerships with CSOs, community groups and other development actors. The organization is an equal opportunity employer, hence all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.
The organization is inviting applications from candidates to apply for new vacant positions. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW: