Home » Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) Vacancy, May 2023

Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) Vacancy, May 2023

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The Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) is the Bar association of Tanzania Mainland, founded in 1954 by an Act of Parliament – the Tanganyika Law Society Ordinance 1954. The Tanganyika Law Society is currently governed by the Tanganyika Law Society Act, Cap 307 R.E. 2002. The following priorities have been identified as the key areas of focus for TLS. Some of them were derived from the Evaluation of the Strategy Plan for 2014-19, preparation of the Strategy Plan 2020-24, feedback from the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Governing Council (GC), Chapters and other Key Stakeholders and Partners such as the Judiciary, Ministry of Constitutional and Legal Affairs (MoCLA), Parliament and Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC). To create a conducive environment for the legal fraternity, facilitate the acquisition of legal knowledge, represent, promote and protect Members; to support the State Organs in legislation and administration of rule of law; and assist the Public to access justice in sustainable professional standards. To promote professional excellence for efficient legal service delivery to ensure access to justice and rule of law. TLS is an equal opportunity employer.


The organization is inviting applications from Tanzania to fill new vacant position. READ FULL DETAILS THROUGH THE PDF DOCUMENT BELOW:


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1 comment

Elisha Ndimbwa May 31, 2023 - 4:21 pm

Kwa majina naitwa ELISHA ESTON NDIMBWA ni mkazi wa mji tunduma mkoani songwe nimehitimu masomo yangu kwa ngazi ya Certificate of Business Administration katika chuo cha TAZANNA COLLEGE MBEYA Kilichopo block – T karibu na kabisa la kkkT Luanda hivyo naomba kazi
katika taasisi hiyo kwa mawasiliano namba yangu ni 0676 656 725


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